Review: Blameless by Gail Carriger

Blameless - Gail Carriger

It’s no secret that Parasol Protectorate is one of my favorite series ever. Gail Carriger introduced me to steampunk and after reading Soulless I was just so delighted something imaginative and inventive as this genre actually exists. Like in previous two books in the series, Blameless brings another adventures, with both hilarious moments and also some tears on my part (mostly of joy), and therefore becoming another favorite.

Set in Victorian England, Blameless is a fantastical blend of steampunk (dirigibles, mechanical ladybugs and one dangerous parasol!), vampires and werewolves you can’t help but love, romance and comedy of manners. It’s witty, sarcastic and sometimes really silly, but always fun!

Alexia must be one of my favorite heroines (I see I’ll be using word “favorite” a lot in this review). In Blameless she proves yet again what a strong woman she is. I was very angry with a certain werewolf at the end of Changeless, but while Alexia has lost so much, she doesn’t even think about letting other people get to her. She’s busy trying to survive, with vampires trying to kill her, so she flies to Italy to find Templars, who are the only ones who could help her.

Gail Carriger creates such wonderful characters, I love every single one of them: Lord Maccon, a silly and stubborn werewolf; Professor Lyall, a voice of reason; Lord Akeldama, a gay vampire; Ivy Hisselpenny with her weird taste for hats; Madame Genevieve, a woman in pants and an inventor; butler Floote; I could go on and on…

This has turned into more of a Parasol Protectorate series review, but I don’t want to spoil anything that happens prior to this book and it’s so hard! There are always new mysteries and troubles rising and while they aren’t always unpredictable, I love reading about Alexia’s adventures because they’re such fun! This is my kind of humor, and these are the books I read when I feel down and need a little pick-me-up. I would recommend Soulless to everyone and hopefully someone will find his/her new favorite genre/book/series/author like I did.
